Why Global Elites Won’t End War in Ukraine Until Russia is Destroyed

Why Global Elites Won't End War in Ukraine Until Russia is Destroyed

As the establishment continues to pump out more finely tuned propaganda to support throwing eye-watering stacks of money at Ukraine, it’s glaringly apparent the conflict isn’t ending anytime soon, at least if the western elites get their way.

Unless you are blindfolded by media narratives, the money thrown at Ukraine is painful to watch, especially coinciding with soaring inflation, gas prices, and energy costs. Meanwhile, vast swathes of Europe – specifically Germany, face a complete grid collapse and possibly famine, made worse by the recent Nord Stream pipeline sabotage.

Those daring to question why the Ukraine war is dragging on are labeled Pro-Putin sympathizers or conspiracy theorists – the usual tactics the liberal media deploys in order to shame us into silence.

The danger of speaking out for peace was further highlighted after Telsa CEO Elon Musk posted a Twitter poll on Russia-Ukraine peace, which attracted vicious attacks from the leftist’s blue tic brigade, bots, and even government officials.

One example of this was Kiev’s ambassador to Germany, Andrij Melnyk’s response to Musk’s poll concerning peace in Ukraine.

“F*ck off is my very diplomatic reply to you,” snapped Melnyk.

Musk’s poll even attracted a response from Zelensky, who asked Musk if he “supports Russia” or Ukraine, despite the tweet not mentioning anything about support.

Later, RINO Republican Senator Lindsey Graham joined the attacks on Musk, calling him “dumb” and threatening Elon’s Tesla company.

Exposing the warmongerers 

The warmongerers were truly exposed when former President Donald Trump offered to broker peace between Ukraine and Russia – which followed a deafening media silence.

“U.S.’ Leadership’ should remain ‘cool, calm, and dry’ on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet,” the former president wrote.

“Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW,” Trump wrote. “Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???”

Sadly, Trump’s offer to broker peace became little more than media backfiller, buried by the machine-like churn of endless propaganda.

So if they do not want peace, the question remains, what exactly do they want?

The goal is clearly to get Putin out of the way, but is that just because of the threat of Russia’s nuclear capabilities, or is there something much deeper they are scared of?

Since Donald Trump the U.S. presidential election in 2016, Russia has been accused of undermining democracy, running armies of “Russian bots” to sway the narrative. Trump found himself in the middle of the now-debunked Russia collusion hoax, where millions were spent investigating something likely created by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

But we need to go back further…

BRICS nations challenge the dollar

The dollar’s borrowing power is artificially inflated due to its use as the world reserve currency. Most transactions are conducted in U.S. dollars, forcing nations to sell goods to the U.S. in exchange for fiat paper.

In 2012, nations like Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa embarked on serious discussions of forming their own bank to finance infrastructure.

In 2014, an agreement was signed to create the New Development Bank to finance projects in the BRICS nations.

This was a significant threat to the Federal Reserve and the global elites because it offered alternative credit sourcing. The BRICS bank created development loans using fractional reserve lending, increasing the money supply without the consent of the fed.

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz explained:

“This is adding to the flow of money that will go to finance infrastructure, adaptation to climate change — all the needs that are so evident in the poorest countries. It reflects a fundamental change in global economic and political power.”

Challenging the dollar scared the globalist financial elite, so it was no surprise the anti-Russia narrative began to build around this time.

RELATED: Biden Gifts Another $600M to Ukraine Days after Approving $1.1 Billion


In 2013, protests began in Ukraine against the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych; both the Obama Administration and London supported the coup.

George Soros’ National Endowment for Democracy spent $3.3 billion in Ukraine in 2012 to support democratic NGOs in the country.

Then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Neuland, who recently appeared in an unearthed video declaring Nord Stream 2 “would not move forward”, was also caught discussing which leaders she wanted to be placed into power in the country.

In response to the impending threat, Putin elected to intervene in Ukraine, sending troops that fought and won a relatively small conflict against the revolutionary faction. Crimea overwhelmingly voted to join Russia following a referendum.

Syria conflict

The globalist’s desire to bomb the hell out of Syria came with the discovery of the world’s largest deposit of natural gas in waters owned by Iran. Syria was planning to build a pipeline with Iraq and Iran, while the U.S. wanted to develop its own pipeline.

The U.S. support of Syrian rebels began, despite many of these being Islamic extremists.

Putin later intervened, not just to protect his advantage by selling natural gas to the E.U, but also got rid of ISIS in the process.

Before the interventions, Assad was barely holding onto his major power centers, but not long after Russia intervened, ISIS began to crumble.

This was the last straw for the global elites, who began throwing everything they had to discredit and undermine Putin.

Enter Trump

Trump is a traditional American economic nationalist, not a globalist. He knew there was more money to gain in peaceful cooperation than antagonism, opting for neutrality against the Russians rather than conflict.

The global elites threw everything they could to discredit Trump and remove him from office, or a least twist public opinion to limit Trump to a foreign policy of aggression against Russia. Eventually, they did get rid of Trump because when he lost the 2020 election.

Fast forward four years later, with Joe Biden in power and post-pandemic, we are on the brink of total economic collapse as America and the west continue to throw billions of dollars at Ukraine as we struggle to heat our homes amid soaring energy costs and inflation.

So what now?

They do not want peace. It is terrible what Putin is doing in Ukraine, but it is also undeniable he is a thorn in the side of the globalists, hence why he has become the nuclear bogeyman of our time, similar to how Trump became the ‘orange man bad’ during the four years of his presidency, despite not starting any wars.

To understand the play of the global elites, you have to think in terms of inversion; everything is either projection, perverted, back to front, the opposite of what they say….with a smidgen of truth thrown in to confuse you even more. But there is a much bigger game at play; a 5D chess game most people simply cannot fathom. 

One thing is for sure; people are rapidly waking up to the inner workings of this sinister agenda. As these unelected rulers race towards their finish line of total global enslavement, more of us are hearing the increasingly loud clunks of the prison doors being slammed shut. The more desperate the global elites become, the faster we wake up.

‘The goal is an endless war, not a successful war.’ – Julian Assange

This op-ed was authored by Leilani Dowding: Political commentator, news host, and social influencer.

Follow Leilani on Twitter: @LeilaniDowding

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Gary Allison
Gary Allison
1 year ago

Russia had no choice. The Devos crowd were planning on moving on Russia to steal its gas and oil. Part of that plan was to orchestrate a coup in Russia and turn it into a Devos Puppet State. The 2014 Agreement was just a delay tactic by the Devos bunch while they prepared. Of course, Trump getting elected threw a wrench in this process, and the apparent theft of the 2020 election was to return to b******s as usual. But it’s pretty obvious the Military is not doing the bidding of the Biden Show, or NATO would already be in the Ukraine. So, all the Biden Show can do is send money and arms, but it appears much of the money goes to the Devos Bunch. With the November Elections coming up, that option will soon end. Much of the usual vote fraud has been negated. Devos/NWO is finished. This is why they are screaming so loud. Last act. I’m not so sure President Trump is gone………..

Jay Latman
Jay Latman
Reply to  Gary Allison
1 year ago

Stop repeating Russian propaganda. They had no choice? Gary Allison has no idea what he is talking about.

1 year ago

The feet of the bear is just starting to walk. Daniel11truth.com

1 year ago

All this talk about Russia losing this war is c**p. A lot of the “foreign aid” being sent to Ukraine comes back to America to line the pockets of politicians, donors, and publishers. It’s not like anyone would really give Obama a 20 million dollar advance for his book. The most important part hasn’t been widely reported. Ukraine and Russia had almost worked out a deal to end this war but the Biden administration vetoed it. Beyond stupid. But the Democrats and Neocons love war these days. They’ll all be safe in their bunkers and we’ll be left to fend for ourselves after the elites destroy the planet. Brings new meaning to the term global warming.

J Bennett
J Bennett
1 year ago

It’s maddening to see the main news sites showing supposedly heart wrenching photos of civilians hurt/killed in the ‘Putin bombings’ to try to continue this inane NATO(U.S.)/globalist warmongering policy against Russia. The photos I saw looked suspiciously like crisis actors (all nicely bandaged and blood dripping down their faces … must have done a poor job of bandaging). Putin has SMART guided bombs and he hasn’t shown any propensity to bomb civilian targets (unless they are housing troops amassing for a strike against his country). Got some great info (almost hour by hour as the bombing was happening today). The targets were strategic, not random as the media would like you to believe. For a quick concise recap of events as they went along (photos included) go to HalTurnerRadioShow.com and you won’t be disappointed and get a better understanding what’s REALLY happening over there.

1 year ago

The United States of Warmongers just another Empire in Decline for more info see Roman Empire

1 year ago

We already have our world government. Mr Putin is part of the WEF crowd, the world is a stage. The US (a corporation not a country) has too many fire arms and they must fall before the Powers that be (A bloodline im certain) can complete the disgusting transition they have worked for so long. To user in Satan and his minions (aliens, fallen angels, inter-dimensional beings). The rest of it, is a SYOP im afraid. Please! Seek Gods guidance through Jesus. Nukes are fixin to fly..

Lepke Buchalter
Lepke Buchalter
1 year ago

I’m a VN vet. My father was in WWI & II. My brother in Korea. The kids have been fighting terror. If Russia doesn’t lose and takes over Ukraine there will be another large European war. Even if the US left NATO, it would be drawn in. When Russia rebuilds after Ukraine, who is next. The Baltics, Moldova, maybe George again? IT will happen unless the Russian Empire is defeated sufficiently to force it to turn away from empire building.
Eventually when it gets close to their border Germany and France will grow a pair and the war will be on.
Currently Ukraine is fighting their war with their own people. All they are asking for is the weapons to do the job. From a vets perspective that’s a good deal.
I don’t want grandchildren and great grandchildren fighting in another European war.
Or another regional war started or instigated by Russia.

Reply to  Lepke Buchalter
1 year ago

No, Ukraine is not fighting with only its own people. This war is micro managed by NATO (the US). There are many CIA, NATO officers and special forces types present in Ukraine. We are fighting this war for the neocons, who gave us Iran, Iraq,A-stan, Syria. Our warmonger types like Lindsey Graham fawn all over the neocons, who love for the US to fight Israel’s wars. Zelensky has said he wants a new Ukraine just like Israel. Has the MSM told you Zelensky has a mansion in Israel and another in Miami? Think about why not. Check out the websites Unz Review and Global Research.

Reply to  Lepke Buchalter
1 year ago

Cheapest, most effective mercenaries the West has ever employed. This brainless article should be titled ‘Pimping for a b****y Creep’.

Dano S.
Dano S.
Reply to  Lepke Buchalter
1 year ago

I’m a combat veteran as well, and come from a family of veterans. If The Ukraine was fighting with its own people, this war would be over long ago.

1 year ago

So, why did Pooties fall into their trap and invade Ukraine??

Seriously folks, just because the west is a nest of vipers don’t expect the leftover commies to be any better.

1 year ago

Russia is NOT going to be destroyed unless the rest of the planet follows suit. Morons.

1 year ago

Hilarious article. Russia is doing the most to destroy Russia. All Putin had to so was stay in Russia and stick to his knitting. But, he just had to invade Ukraine in 2014, showing that he couldn’t be trusted in any agreement by violating the Budapest Memorandum, then cinnit5ting numerous false flags in Donbas, showing that he could be trusted to tell anyone the truth, then capped it all by publishing a mass of lies about his “reasons” for reopening the war in Ukraine.

Putin has told one lie after another. No can trust the man, and his Army has become the biggest supplier of arms an ammo to Ukraine. Anyone with any sense with recall his army, and get out of all of Ukraine, including Crimea. The man has no shame, nor good sense, so his country is going to be destroyed for no good reason. Putin is the man to blame.

Mikhail Nikaelovich
Mikhail Nikaelovich
Reply to  Quartermaster
1 year ago

Odd that you are supporting a country ruled by Nazis that publishes a K**l list with 372 children and Roger Waters on it…

Dano S.
Dano S.
1 year ago

We’ll see just how far support for Ukraine goes when there are mass riots all over the EU because people are freezing and hungry this winter. Globalists don’t have anywhere near the power and control they think they have.



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