Pope Francis unleashed an all-out attack against those refusing the COVID-19 shots for “being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial.”
In his new memoir, Francis was interviewed by journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, where he highlighted his thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 era.
“Deciding whether to get vaccinated is always an ethical choice, but I know that many people signed up to movements opposed to the administration of the medication. This distressed me because in my view, being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial,” Francis said, according to the LifeSiteNews.
The Pope also issued a veiled attack on Cardinal Raymond Burke, who expressed strong opposition to the injections.
“There were even a few anti-vaxxers among the bishops: some came close to death,” stated Francis.
Referring to the COVID-related lockdowns, Francis stated:
“[T]his grim scenario began to change with the arrival of the first vaccines.”
He then opinioned that “a generalized fear was created when superficial explanations of how the vaccines worked spoke of injections of the virus into the body. There were also claims there was nothing but water in the vials; some people even stated publicly that microchips were being implanted in people.”
“All this,” he said, “created confusion and panic.”
In 2022, Fracniss said getting vaccinated against the coronavirus was a “moral obligation and decried people who listend to “baseless information.”
Francis even termed vaccination as “an act of love” and that refusing to get inoculated was “suicidal.”
At the time, he added that individuals had a responsibility to care for themselves, “and this translates into respect for the health of those around us. Health care is a moral obligation.”
“Frequently people let themselves be influenced by the ideology of the moment, often bolstered by baseless information or poorly documented facts,” he said.
“Vaccines are not a magical means of healing, yet surely they represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be developed, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease,” he added.
Francis also called for parts of the world with low vaccination rates to get vaccinated.
“It is appropriate that institutions such as the World Trade Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization adapt their legal instruments lest monopolistic rules constitute further obstacles to production and to an organized and consistent access to health care on a global level,” he said.
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