The leftist establishment media is floating a narrative that is attempting to portray the trans shooter who murdered six at a Nashville Christian school as a “victim.”
As various media outlets left out significant details concerning the shooter being transgender, a newly crafted narrative is now emerging which tried to lay blame the killer’s Christian parents.
According to a report from The Daily Mail, shooter Audrey Hale was “rejected” by her Christian parents because they disagreed with her identifying as transgender and refused to allow Hale to use he/him pronouns.
The Daily Mail reports that Hale was forced to leave home to change outfits.
The outlet also cited a “well-placed” source who claimed the Christian parents “did know about it,” but “they just didn’t accept it.”
Here is a portion of the Daily Mail’s crafted narrative:
“Twenty years later, after being rejected by her Christian family when she came out to them as gay, Hale had turned into a killer.”
The Mail’s tone appears to place blame on the shooter’s Christian family.
However, according to reports Hale still lived with her parents, so it is not clear on how the family “rejected” her if she still lived with them.
It appears the establishment media is doing everything it can to keep its narrative in line with radical left ideology, even going as far as apologizing for accurately describing the trans shooter as a woman.
“There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting. Officials had used ‘she’ and ‘her’ to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months,” the New York Times said on social media.
“Police on Monday afternoon said that the shooter was a transgender man. Officials had initially misidentified the gender of the shooter,” USA Today said:
Some social media users noted the Daily Mail’s bizzare assertions.
“Ah yes, blame the Christians for the mass shooting. FFS can media like @DailyMail get anymore disgusting and deranged?” one Twitter user asked.
“You’re not even trying to hide your anti-Christian bigotry,” another observed.
“Since when do ‘hurt feelings’ justify murder? ANSWER: They don’t,” one said as another added, “Why do you make excuses for mass murderers?”
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