Actress and left-wing activist Jane Fonda futilely attempted to walk back the comments she made during the “The View” broadcast on Friday, where she suggested ‘murdering’ pro-lifers.
Fonda’s words caused outrage across social media, prompting her to release a statement that the comments she made on the talk show had been “in jest.”
The actress then accused her critics of taking jokes too literally and not focusing on “the actual problem at hand.”
“While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest,” Fonda said in a public statement.
“My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room — and to anyone watching — that I was using hyperbole to make a point,” Fonda added.
“Women across the country are facing real threats when it comes to our bodies, and people lose faith in our mission to protect women when others choose to focus on tangential issues and passing jokes instead of the actual problem at hand,” she continued.
During Friday’s show, Fonda claimed she did not care what laws were passed over abortion on demand.
“We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back,” she said.
Co-host Sunny Hostin dismissed Fonda’s shocking comments, concluding that it was proof she was an activist at heart.
“That’s the activist speaking, and she probably will get a Nobel Prize,” Hostin said.
Co-host Joy Behar interjected, asking Fonda what she thought could be done besides staging protests on the issue.
“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda replied.
Behar, quickly releasing Fonda’s potential ‘career ending’ comments were about to cause a sh*t storm, stepped in to tell the audience that it was a joke.
While the move prompted a laugh from the audience, Jane Fonda appeared to be less light-hearted about what she had just said about pro-lifers.
Whether it was a joke or not, we all know the saying about words “said jest.”
“Not sure why the outrage over this. I applaud Jane Fonda for her honesty. They all feel this way. At least she had the balls to say it. The rest of them just claim things like wanting your guns to ‘stop crime.’ But this is how they really feel,” Jesse Kelly said.
Conservative firebrand Majorie Taylor Greene took to Twitter to express her anger about Fonda’s comments.
“Calling for us to be assassinated makes ‘The View,’ the hosts, the producers, the network, the advertisers, and everyone involved responsible for death threats, attacks, and potential murders of Pro-Life politicians and activists,” Greene wrote.
READ MORE: Biden’s Reasoning on Supporting Abortion: ‘No One Knows’ When a Human Life Begins
Using hyperbole? Maybe she was also smoking a hyper-bowl before the show. Another “Turner Classic” that needs to be remastered.