Democrats Seek National Apology for Slavery: ‘Legacy Lingers Heavily in U.S’

Democrats Seek National Apology for Slavery: 'Legacy Lingers Heavily in U.S'

House Democrats have renewed their push for reparations and a national apology for slavery with the reintroduction of legislation that would set up a commission to consider steps to address the “cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery” in the United States.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, and 52 House Democrats proposed the legislation to keep the issue alive.

The legislation, considered by the House Judiciary Committee in the last Congress when Democrats were in control, is not likely to be taken up in the 118th Congress led by Republicans.

However, Jackson Lee said she was hopeful about forming a commission to recommend monetary compensation and help America understand how slavery still affected the country, Fox News reported.

Jackson Lee re-upped legislation to create a commission to examine slavery and reparations this week.

“Though some have tried to deflect the importance of these conversations by focusing on individual monetary compensation, the real issue is whether and how this nation can come to grips with the legacy of slavery that still infects current society,” she said.

“Through legislation, resolutions, news, and litigation, we are moving closer to making more strides in the movement toward reparations,” she added.

In November, the new House Democratic Leader, Hakeem Jeffries of New York, expressed support for the idea of a commission because of the lingering effects of slavery.

“We’re not going to move on because after slavery, [there was] Jim Crow and the rise of the KKK,” Jeffries said in 2021.

“And the lynching epidemic. And Plessy v. Ferguson. And Black Wall Street in 1921 destroyed.”

Jackson Lee said, “the legacy of slavery lingers heavily in this nation.”

She added that monetary compensation needs to be part of the discussion because of the economic impact of slavery can still be felt today.

Legislation on reparations is unlikely to move in the GOP-led House.

“These economic issues are the root cause of many critical issues in the African American community today, such as education, healthcare, and criminal justice policy, including policing practices,” she said.

“The call for reparations represents a commitment to entering a constructive dialogue on the role of slavery and racism in shaping present-day conditions in our community and American society,” she added.

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The bill does not recommend what type of payment should be offered or how a national apology would be issued

The commission would examine the “lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery… on living African Americans.”

Jackson Lee said the bill is more relevant than ever given what she called the “over-criminalization and policing of black bodies.”

“The principal problem of slavery continues to weigh heavily on this country,” she said.

“A federal commission can help us reach into this dark past and bring us into a brighter future.”

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1 year ago

So, then tell the Democrats to apologize, if they like. They were the slaveholders anyway!

1 year ago

As Democrats, they’re the ones who promulgated slavery! So go ahead and speak for yourselves when you apologize, and please quit projecting EVERYTHING you do on everybody else.
It’s a crazy mixed up world brought to you by the Democrats and Socialists.

1 year ago

Bite me. Planes leave daily for Afreeka. In a month you will begging to come back.

Major Kong
Major Kong
1 year ago

who are the dems asking to apologize? The dems better take a long hard look in the mirror for they are the ones who kept black slaves back in the day….

Reply to  Major Kong
1 year ago

Exactly right. So it should be the Democrats who do the pay out. The DNC needs to step up and pay. They also need to pay Republicans who were the ones who freed the slaves.

1 year ago

America Demands the Democrats Party Dissolve and they become classified as Domestic terrorist. Then Shot. IMO

1 year ago

Democrats WERE the slavers. I’m not appologizing for anything that happened decades before I was even born. They should appologize and pay from their OWN coffers if they feel the need.

1 year ago

The Democrats are extreme. The only way you will be allowed in the Democrat party is if you are for reparations and abortion. And the sad part, the Republican party are asleep at the wheel, They need to stop this BS now, because if reparation is allowed, it will become a government program for life. If you think this country is evil leave, no one’s keeping you here.

1 year ago

I agree. Everyone in the USA who owns or owned a slave go outside and tell the sky you’re sorry…

Web Montgomery
Web Montgomery
1 year ago

This is the most rich thing I’ve heard… these MORONS are too stooooopid to know THEIR party’s history and the blood on THEIR party’s hands! F these Luciferian Death Cultists

1 year ago

Sheila Jackson Lee, is just another scumbag looking for a handout to buy votes with. How about we go after reparations for the crime in our streets and the financial burden thrust upon us as a society by only 14% of the population?!! Maybe we should simply fund the purchase of a one-way plane ticket to anywhere outside the US once these so called victims renounce their citizenship with a promise to never to return? After all, if this country has been so oppressive for the last 400 years, maybe it’s time for a fresh start anywhere but here. As pointed out by D3F1ANT, Sheila Jackson Lee may also want to take a minute to learn the facts of American History and just how destructive what’s know now as the Democrap Party has been to this country and it’s people throughout history.

1 year ago

Will the Democrats apologize for segregation in the South too?

1 year ago

Let the slave holders apologize to the slaves.

1 year ago

You are right we must teach the history of the Democrat party that who’s founders put slavery into the constitution, passed the Fugitive Slave law, supported slavery in the US before the Civil War, forced the Native Americans on the Trail of Tears, cheered for the Dred Scott decision, cursed the Brown VS Board of Ed. Decision, fought for Slavery through the Civil War, founded the KKK, Wrote the Jim Crow laws and Black Codes and set up the Poll Tax to prevent blacks from voting. Party senators voted against the civil rights and anti-lynching laws for 80 years. Set Jews back to Hitler during WWII. Built and filled concentration camps with US citizens. Setup a system of dependency to keep blacks on the liberal plantation. Spied on MLK and later had him shot. Regularly use race card to beat down their opponents. The party supported the killing of nonwhite children by Planned Parenthood, the organization founded by the National Socialist supporter Margret Sanger.  To this day still have a number of elected racist members in congress and local state organizations. We must support this party no matter what.

Patrick C
Patrick C
1 year ago

The legacy lingers in the minds of a few race huslters

Patrick C
Patrick C
1 year ago

What is this ” Awaiting for approval ” c**p!

1 year ago


If it were up to me, the afros would still be in afroca.

Katherine Leimeister
Katherine Leimeister
1 year ago

Considering the new House rules states, “No legislation that appropriates new spending” , I’d say she’s sh*t outta luck for the next 2 years. This is just to stir up nonsense because they’re missing their chaos queen!

1 year ago

“Off”, is the general direction you may now “F”.

1 year ago

Funny. Dims were and are slave holders (though now they use taxpayer funds instead of their own money,) and Republicans were the ones who freed the slaves. So…dims how about a large, loud and very public ‘mea culpa’ accompanied by all dim campaign funds donated to a reparations fund?

1 year ago

I will never apologize for something I or my family never did. Just remember BLM’ers, it was your fellows that captured and sold you into slavery.

1 year ago

I wonder if the demoncrats know that the first slave owner in the Americas, who came as an indentured servant, like many whites who came here, and was a black man. Once freed from indentured servitude, a required period of 7 yrs. he was given his property and he then hired an indentured servant, another black man. Once the 7 yr period was up he went to the colonial court in Virginia to force the black indentured servant into lifelong servitude which they granted, making him the first legal slave owner.

John Steele
John Steele
1 year ago

Since the democrats were the slavers, Plantation owners, Founded the KKK , Jim Crow Laws / Separate But Equal laws and finally the longest filibuster in American history in 1967 to .stop blacks from getting civil and voting rights. I Agree. THEY need to apologize for Slavery. Over 600,000 people died in the civil war in 4 years to stop their insanity. Apologize. and own up to it.

Stewart Daniel
Stewart Daniel
1 year ago

Want “reparations”? How about a free trip back to Africa? One-way!

1 year ago

Jefferies says we can’t move on because after slavery there was Jim Crow and the KKK! He’s right, the democrats are responsible for a lot of horrible things!!!! Maybe we should just cancel the democrats!!

1 year ago

By all means. Democrats absolutely should apologize for their sins. What the he.. is stopping them.

lynn rodgers
lynn rodgers
1 year ago

why should all Americans apoligize for the horrific instution that the then Democrat Party fought, and lost, to keep intact? When will they acknowledge that fact?

1 year ago


1 year ago

If only they had been in power for the last several years, they could have done something about this!

1 year ago

Does anyone know anyone that had slaves if so tell them to apologize otherwise this is stupid

1 year ago

As if The Emancipation Proclamation wasn’t enough?

1 year ago

If the democrats want to take responsibility for what their counterparts did a couple hundred years ago I am willing to forgive them and move on. At the same time can we have a national day of celebrating for the republicans of old who set the black man free ?

1 year ago

The Democrats should apologize for slavery. It was their party which waged a war that killed 750,000 Americans in an attempt to preserve slavery

1 year ago

What we need are reparations for the families of republicans that died in the civil war to free the slaves from democrats.

1 year ago

Blame the african chiefs you racist bag of wind

1 year ago

We have apologized, through 61 years of Affirmative Action policies where many deserving candidates for positions were replaced with can’tidates. Enough of the crapola!



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