Celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels (The Biggest Loser) posed the question that the majority of Americans with half a brain cell are asking: how is former President Donald Trump going to jail but Dr. Anthony Fauci isn’t?
“How is Trump going to jail, but Faucci isn’t? Someone please make this make sense,” Michaels said on X this week.
How is Trump going to jail, but Faucci isn’t? Someone please make this make sense.
— Jillian Michaels (@JillianMichaels) June 4, 2024
The celebrity trainer’s post came in response to Fauci’s recent testimony on Capitol Hill, in which he admitted that some of the COVID restrictions, like mask mandates and social dancing, were not based on science.
This week, Marjory Taylor Greene ripped Fauci for signing off evil experiments torturing innocent dogs to death in the name of science.
“As director of the NIH, you signed off on these so-called scientific experiments. And as a dog lover, I want to tell you this is disgusting and evil! Greene said.
“And these experiments that happened to beagles were paid for by the American taxpayer.”
“And I want you to know Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this. So the type of “science” that you are representing, Mr. Fauci, is abhorrent, and it needs to stop!”
Calls for Fauci to be thrown in jail have been amplified by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) since the coronavirus outbreak.
“For his dishonesty, frankly, he should go to prison,” Paul said in January.
“If you lie to Congress, and you’re dishonest, and you won’t accept responsibility.”
“For his mistake in judgment, he should just be pilloried. He should never be accepted.”
“History should judge him as a deficient person who made one of the worst decisions in public health history — in the entire history of the world,” he added.
Jillian Michael’s post became a lightning rod of controversy.
“Trump’s a criminal and a con man who played on morons – like you,” responded Keith Olbermann.
“Trump is a criminal, Fauci is a great public servant, & you are a moron,” said another user.
“Because Trump committed crimes and Dr. Fauci did not. Next question?” said Republicans Against Trump.
Did not have Jillian Michaels being a fan of a racist, misogynist, nationalist, Roe v Wade killing, cheating, lying, stealing, anti-LGBTQIA+ felon and an anti-science RWNJ on my bingo card. https://t.co/mS4iicpQoJ
— Stef with an F 🏳️🌈 ♏️ (@stef2dotoh) June 5, 2024
This dumb motherfucker right here. https://t.co/0NhmKnI2yd
— Ragnarok Lobster 🐺 (@eclecticbrotha) June 5, 2024
Well, Jillian, if you put the weights down and just googled things with facts attached, you might understand why. And btw, trump hasn't been sentenced to jail as of yet. Again, something you can google. You can even do it while on the elliptical. God help us all. https://t.co/FIynnP81FD
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) June 4, 2024
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