A twelve-year-old girl took Klaus Schwab and his globalist cronies to task by brilliantly summarising why the ’15-minute cities’ concept is flawed.
The youngster, who appeared at the ‘STOP OXFORD: No 15 Minute Cities’ protest in the UK, outlines how the ‘green’ concept to offset carbon commissions by keeping residents in Oxford in ‘zones’ would cause more pollution:
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“I could stand here and say more or less what other people are going to say about the effect of the these 15-minute neighborhoods. Soon to become digital ID facial recognition zones,” the girl began.
“Let’s say my friend lives in zone three, and I’m in zone 1. If, for example, I went to my friend’s house in zone 3, my parents would normally come and pick me up in their car – it only takes 10 minutes.”
“So does that mean they would have to go around the ring road and back into town again?”
“If my mum or dad had to drive around the ring road, it would take 30 minutes, causing much more pollution and leaving a much bigger carbon footprint.”
“They will say you can walk home.”
“Would that be safe for me to walk home?”
“Me, as a 12-year-old, walking home in the dark alone. Is that really going to be safe?”
“Then they will say, ‘don’t worry about that; we’ve already thought of that. We will have a thousand cameras on the street following you and tracking you all the way home.'”
“Oh, and just remember it’s for your safety.”
“What, are you serious? Do you really think I want to be watched every second of the day?”
“Thousands of cameras tracking my every move until I get home. At this point, I have to ask, is my safety that important to me that I have to be followed by cameras all the way home? Or do I prefer to have freedom than privacy?”
“And for your information, I still wouldn’t feel safe. No amount of cameras is going to stop someone who wants to attack me.”
“I want to be safe, but not to the extent that I am prepared to give up my freedom and my privacy to have it.”
“As a 12-year-old, I’m really concerned about the future.”
“And to Klaus Scwabb, I say this, How dare you!”
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