The indictments against President Donald Trump are not having the desired effect for Democrats as voters are rallying around him more after the charges, according to new polling.
According to a survey taken from 2,061 Americans between Aug. 16 – 18, 70% feel things in America today are going “somewhat badly” or “very badly.”
Meanwhile, a new CBS News poll revealed that 71% of GOP voters do not consider Joe Biden as the “legitimate” winner.
When voters were asked to describe the U.S. political system, 64% called it “dysfunctional,” and 58% said it was “corrupt.”
Another 14% called it “effective,” and a small 7% said it was “honest.”
Trump increased his lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis compared to previous polls.
The poll also found that 62% of likely Republican primary voters planned to support Trump versus 16% for DeSantis.
All other GOP candidates remain at single digits.
Trump was at 61%, and DeSantis was polling at 23% in the same poll from June.
38% of voters also say the indictments are “politically motivated” against Trump, compared to 37% who say that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election.
The poll also reveals that supporters are standing behind Trump more than ever and trust him more than family, friends, and religious leaders.
71% of Trump supporters feel what Trump tells them is “generally true,” showing more trust in the politician than family and friends (63%), conservative media figures (56%), and religious leaders (42%).
Among voters considering casting a vote for Trump, they cite the reasons for supporting him as: “I think things were better under Trump” (99%), “he fights for people like me” (95%), and “I know him better than other candidates” (76%).
Trump decided to skip next week’s first Republican presidential primary debate; however, an overwhelming 73% of Republican voters say he should participate in the debate against his GOP competitors.
Issues that are “very important” to Republican voters include:
- Lower inflation (86%)
- Reduce violent crime (83%)
- Stop illegal immigration (81%)
- Cut federal spending (74%)
- Stand up to China (73%)
- Stop teaching ‘woke’ ideas in schools (71%)
- Lower taxes (67%)
Republican primary voters see Trump as having a 91% chance of possibly or definitely defeating Joe Biden, compared to DeSantis at 82%, the poll finds.