Following the explosive testimony from Devon Archer to Congress on Monday, the New York Times had no choice but other than to report the truth…Joe Biden LIED.
If you missed our report of Archer’s stunning testimony, the biggest and most damning revelation was that Joe Biden would get on the phone with Hunter Biden’s business partners, a big way to seal the deal for the promise of access to the then-Vice President.
As we know, Biden has repeatedly denied he had any knowledge of anything Hunter was doing.
Despite its mission to protect Joe Biden, the Times had no choice but to report on the revelations.
Below is what The Times wrote:
In the article, The Times notes that Joe Biden claimed Hunter never made any money from China during a 2020 presidential debate with Donald Trump.
For those with any common sense, it would be almost impossible for Biden to have no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.
However, after years of diversions from the left-wing media, the Times has allowed the dam to break.
But even admitting Biden has outright lied after the testimony from Devon Archer, the paper couldn’t resist placing its own spin.
One example of The Times’ attempt to twist and dilute the story was by using “false or misleading” instead of “false and misleading,” it is not an either/or situation.
There is no counter explanation for Biden’s lying.
However, The Times’ biggest attempt to smudge out the sheer magnitude of the story came in the subheading.
This is a classic tactic from the mainstream media, ignoring the big story for years, only to insist that story is old news after they are forced to admit the truth.
To assert that “it has long been known the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners” is insulting to every right-wing media publication that has been attacked for reporting precisely that for years.
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