Pro-Trans Activist Vows to Stop Supporting ‘Trans Rights’ after Being Raped by Transgender ‘Woman’

Pro-Trans Activist Vows to Stop Supporting 'Trans Rights' after Being Raped by Transgender 'Woman'

A pro-transgender campaigner and women’s rights activist stunned listeners after revealing she has decided to stop supporting trans rights after being raped and beaten at the hands of a transgender woman.

The woman, known as ‘Kay,’ recalled her experience at an Oklahoma Let Women Speak event.

“Up until that point I was like everybody else, live and let live,” she said with her voice shaking.

“Ten is the number of years it’s been since I was brutally beaten and raped by a trans-identified male,” she said.

“One time it took to change my mind. To open my eyes as see how our rights and protections are being eroded away.”

Many of the women lined up to speak at the event in Tulsa slammed Joe Biden’s overhaul of Title IX protections to promote children’s LGBTQ rights, the Daily Mail reported.

The new rewrite forbids discrimination based on gender identity, leaving schools vulnerable to lawsuits if they ban trans students from girls’ locker rooms.

Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters ordered the state’s schools to ‘completely ignore’ the new rules, slamming them as “the most devastating attack on women’s rights in our country’s history.”

Kay also slammed the state’s record on women’s rights.

“Forty-nine percent of our state’s women have been in a domestic violence situation,” she said.

“That’s what makes Oklahoma the number one state for male violence against women.”

In May 2022, the state passed a law requiring public school pupils to use restrooms according to the sex on their birth certificates.

However, it was sued by Oklahoma mother, Theresa Gooden, who claimed it was still not being enforced months later when her 15-year-old daughter was ‘severely beaten’ by a transgender schoolmate in the girls’ bathroom.

Last year, hundreds of trans activists occupied the state capitol to protest a bill banning gender-confirming surgery for under 21s.

Many returned for vigils in support of non-binary teen Nex Benedict whose beating by girls in an Oklahoma school bathroom put hem in hospital just a day before their death.

The 16-year-old intentionally killed themselves with a drug overdose, according to the state medical examiner.

Dozens of states have joined the growing backlash against the Title IX reforms which are intended to “guarantee that no person experiences sex discrimination in federally-funded educatio.”

“The bottom line is this,” tweeted Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last month.

“Injecting men into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms is not good for women. Injecting boys into girls’ sports is not good for girls. This is bad policy, but it’s also not constitutional.”

“They’re twisting the law to try to impose an ideological agenda on the rest of the country.”

The latest Title IX text describes “misgendering” trans students as “harassment.”

“It’s time for every state leader to stand up and say enough of this preposterous charade that erases women and puts their safety in jeopardy,” he said.

Sympathizers praised Kay for her bravery in revealing the assault.

| “I’m afraid we may have hundreds, thousands of women and girls who’ve been assaulted or raped by such men and who don’t dare talk about it,” wrote one.

“Her courage, strength and words are so inspirational,” added local organizer Allie Snyder.

“She was a vital part of ensuring our event’s success and we’re gonna get after it here locally along with the other amazing Okie women here.”

READ: Portland Woman Denied Cancer Treatment after Criticizing Trans Flag

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d simpson
d simpson
24 days ago

I am sick of the English language being butchered by the pronoun c**p.

hem. they/them for A person, singular.

No, I will not comply. I am a civil person, I don’t TRY to offend others. But, I will always use correct English.

I refuse to revisit sites that choose to butcher the language creating the illiterate dissonance this particular demand requires.

You want me to HATE you? Just try to control how I speak, write, or communicate.

Communication is for common understanding of ideas. Change it, and there’s no basis for understanding in the public space.

And I for one, will not live in that matrix. Goodbye.

24 days ago

Took it ten years to figure this out. Hard to work up any sympathy.

22 days ago

No sympathy for you and no soup for you..



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