The man who recently decapitated the satanic statue in the Iowa Capitol building has raised $20,000 for his defense after he was arrested earlier this week.
The former candidate for the Mississippi House of Representatives, Michael Cassidy, was charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief for damaging the statue placed there by the Satanic Temple Iowa, according to KCCI.
The Daily Fetched reported:
Cassidy allegedly pushed the Baphomet statue over before decapitating it.
The reaction to the statue at the Iowa State Capitol caused outrage after the Satanic Temple received permission.
Reports said the decapitated head was thrown in the trash.
According to the Sentinel, Cassidy said he destroyed the statue to “awaken Christians to the anti-Christian acts promoted by our government.”
Casddiy closed the defense fund after it reached $20,000 but reopened it Friday afternoon after additional charges could be filed against him.
According to a social media post from Charlie Kirk, turning Point USA donated $10,000 to Cassidy.
Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made the statue a campaign issue and blamed former President Donald Trump for allowing the statue to be erected.
“Lo and behold, the Trump administration gave them approval to be under the IRS as a religion,” DeSantis said.
State lawmakers reacted angrily to the statue.
“For those who wish to worship Satan, they are free to do so on their private property,” Rep. Brad Sherman, R-Williamsburg, said in his newsletter.
“But to allow satanic expression in the State Capitol and other public property is to surrender to Satan’s demands for equality with God which was his original sin: ‘I will be like the Most High’ (see Isaiah 14:14).”
Gov. Kim Reynolds said the satanic statue was “absolutely objectionable.”
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