Hamtramck, a Muslim-led city in Michigan, has banned LGBTQIA+ Pride flags from being flown or displayed on public property.
Last Wednesday, the city voted unanimously in favor of a resolution prohibiting displaying flags with ethnic, political, or racial views.
“I’m working for the people, what the majority of the people like,” said council member Mohammed Hassan.
Another councilor, Nadeem Choudhury, asked, “Why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented?”
“You’re already represented. We already know who you are,” he argued.
Speaking to the Guardian, the Mayor of the Muslim-led city, Amer Ghalib, said local “LGBTQ+ supporters had stoked tension by “forcing their agendas on others” with pride celebrations.
“There is an overreaction to the situation, and some people are not willing to accept the fact that they lost,” he added.
Conservative journalist Andy Ngô wrote on. Twitter:
“Liberals and leftists in Hamtramck, Mich. feel betrayed after the all-Muslim city council voted to ban LGBTQ+ Pride flags on all city property.”
As The Daily Mail reported:
Businesses and residents in the Detroit suburb aren’t prohibited from displaying a Pride flag on their own property.
“You guys are welcome,” council member Nayeem Choudhury said. “(But) why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented? You’re already represented. We already know who you are.”
“We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” Choudhury said.
Hamtramck, population 27,000, is an enclave surrounded by Detroit. More than 40 percent of residents were born in other countries, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and a significant share are of Yemeni or Bangladeshi descent.
Hamtramck became the first city in America to have a majority Muslim population in 2015.
The two women kissing were followed up by Dearborn activist Hassan Aoun, who spoke passionately against the Pride flag on public property.
“I am a Lebanese person, and I support the American flag. We are not going to sit here and tolerate you guys coming and saying, ‘Oh, it’s Pride Month. Are you gay? No problem.’ Don’t sit here and throw it down kids’ throat, my throat, or anybody’s throat,” Aoun said.
READ: Thousands Descend on Dodger Stadium to Protest PRIDE Celebration: “SAVE OUR CHILDREN!”