Joe Biden is the second most unpopular president in modern U.S. history, according to a report by Andrew Romano from Yahoo News.
Biden comes behind Jimmy Carter, but he still got 81 million votes!
The findings were aired on CNN, which suggests Democrats and their media cohorts are getting ready to dump Biden.
As Yahoo reports:
At this point in his term — about 910 days in — Joe Biden is the second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S. history.
As of July 18, Biden’s average job-approval rating, according to the poll aggregators at FiveThirtyEight, is a paltry 39.1%; his average disapproval rating is 55.4%. That means his “net approval rating” is -16.3%, which is well “underwater,” as pollsters like to say.
A negative 16.3% is also really bad, historically speaking. In fact, the only president with weaker numbers than Biden was Jimmy Carter, who hit -28.6% on day 910.
At the time, just 29% of Americans approved of Carter’s performance on average, while 57.6% disapproved.
Eric Levitz from New York Magazine writes:
“One possibility is that, after enjoying largely stable prices for decades, Americans simply have little tolerance for inflation. Sure, their wages may have grown faster than prices since February 2020.”
“But voters might be inclined to attribute their income gains to their own efforts while blaming rising prices on the government’s mismanagement.
They still have not adjusted psychologically to the jump in their grocery bills, and are irked each time they see the receipt and remember what things used to cost when Donald Trump was still president.”
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