In 2017, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi swore she was in possession of “cold hard evidence” of collusion between the Trump family and Russia.
Another Trump/Russia narrative hack we can add to the list.
Here is what Pelosi said while pushing the Trump and Russia collusion narrative in 2017:
“This week, we saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign. Indeed, the Trump family eagerly intending to collude, possibly with Russia, a hostile foreign power to influence American elections in the month.”
“Again, as we celebrate the courage of our founders, republicans in Congress have become enabled of the Trump Russia assault on our democracy,” Pelosi said.
“After these latest revelations, it’s becoming clear we have suffered a desecration of our democracy not seen since Watergate,” she added.
“Speaker Ryan must allow a vote on an outside independent kit mission to get to the bottom of the Trump campaign’s role in Russia’s assault on our democracy and prevent Putin from ever doing it again. Immediately.”
Pelosi knew this was a lie.
Yet she led the charge against President Trump for years, pushing the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative that never happened.
On Monday, John Durham Report confirmed there was never any collusion between Trump and Russia in a 300-page report.
As Breitbart reported:
“Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.”
“Our investigation also revealed that senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities,” Durham’s report said, in apparent reference to the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded Fusion GPS “pee dossier” alleging collusion that the FBI relied on to investigate Trump.
The FBI knew this from the beginning.
Hillary Clinton started the smear, and the FBI ran with it.
READ: John Brennan Admits Intel Letter Discrediting Hunter Biden Laptop Was to Hurt Trump
Can’t wait to hear the news that this pile of human c**p Pelosi is on her way to her special place in h**l.
Nancy Pelosi LIED to us???
I’m shocked beyond words…..
oh.. wait…. Sorry. No. I’m not shocked at all.
Sounds like TREASON to me. She should pay the traitors price.
When gov says you did it that’s all the evidence they need. Not the way its supposed to be, but that’s the way it is.
Don’t forget her Chinese chauffeur spy for 22 yrs.