Billionaire Bill Gates is concerned many Westerners will refuse to live in poverty in order to help fight climate change.
“I don’t think we can count on people living an impoverished lifestyle as a solution to climate change,” Gates said at an event in India on March 1.
“You know, meat consumption in India will be less … That’s wonderful. Will all Indians become vegetarians? Will all Americans become vegetarians? I wouldn’t want to count on it. Anybody who wants to evangelize that, they’re welcome to. I won’t resist in any way,” Gates added.
Gates has been pushing for rich Western nations to start eating synthetic beef as he buys vast swaths of American farmland.
During an online interaction on Reddit earlier this year, Gates pushed for the widespread adoption of non-animal meat products.
“For people who want to go Vegan that is great but I don’t think most people will do that. There are companies making ‘beef’ in new ways and people working to still use cows but reduce the methane emissions,” he wrote.
“I have backed a number of innovators in this space including Beyond and Impossible and Memphis. I think eventually these products will be very good even though their share is small today.”
Buying up farmland
The Microsoft founder is now the “largest private farmland owner” in the United States, owning over 270,000 acres of farmland in 19 states.
Gates is also worried about energy consumption, calling on Governments to implement strict laws to limit the use and completely ban things like air conditioning, which could be “good for the climate.”
“But as India gets warmer and warmer, I’m betting the demand for air conditioning is going to skyrocket,” Gates said.
“The country that has the most air conditioning by far is the United States. Even Europe doesn’t have what we have,’ Gates added.
“And so, as it gets hotter, you know, you demand more electricity, which, if it’s not green, then you’re in a positive feedback loop,” he continued.
Gates also highlighted that nations like India demand more energy, cement, and steel , “where even if you stop at, say, a quarter of American energy intensity, that climate change is very, very dramatic.”
The billionaire also suggested that even when the United States uses “half as much energy per person,” it would be “unjust” to ask India to maintain its current consumption.
Earlier this year, Bill Gates argued that his climate change activism did not conflict with using private jets.
In an interview with the BBC in February, Gates argued it was okay for him to fly private and he was part of the solution to fighting climate change.
“Well, I buy the gold standard, of funding Climeworks, to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint,” Gates said.
READ MORE: GREAT RESET: Cancer Cells Discovered in Bill Gates-Backed Lab-Grown Meat
May death become him so that humanity may live
And the sooner, the better!
You First, COWARD
You still OWE Humanity for your Trip EPSTEINS PERVERTED ISLAND for BILLIONAIRE ASSHOLES……That’s YOU Bill if your TOO clueless to get it…..
Mr. Gates, will you begin living in poverty now, right this millisecond, to save the planet?
Didn’t think so
“Bill Gates Concerned People Will Refuse to Live in Poverty to Fight Climate Change”
You know, I’d have an easier time believing these guys are really concerned about the planet if THEY were already living the lifestyle they that they were trying to coerce and force us into.
Ha ha.
I’d never have to put that to the test.
Because they have NO intention of impoverishing themselves. Ever. For any reason.
Hey, Bill! You first! You go live in the slums of Harlem and donate all your wealth, property, investments–EVERYTHING of value. When you’re on food stamps and public housing, then I’ll believe you’re sincere. But of course, poverty is for other people, NEVER for himself!
Have Billy come out here and explain to us why we have to live in poverty and hunger. Our people will entertain his bodyguards while we school him on real life. It will be a visit he will never forget. No lie. Bring Biden with you.
East shirt and die, Billy.
Someone PLEASE “Liberate” this demon
Why didn’t India arrest this POS?
Gates and his bloodline will be decorated on lamp posts. Soon Gates, and your goons will not be able to protect you or your family. Its over Gates, we know where you hide psycho boy.
He needs to set the example by becoming poor first.
Bill, you are one sick individual…who died and put you in charge of how we should live in poverty to combat the false narrative of climate change.
I agree with one of the commenters below: lead by example and show us how to live in poverty to fix the climate…
Nah Bill we’ll come out to your place on dog beach in San Diego
The fact that he flies around in a jet spewing the very thing he supposedly working against but only YOU are to pay for it NEGATES everything he says about global warming. Sorry, pal…… Get out of my life.
Hey Bill, they have these cute little trailers, one bedroom and an efficiency kitchen. My friend lives in one because he lost everything during the Obama administration. His carbon footprint is basically zero. Have at it.
You first A S S H O L E !!!
Gates, is the biggest hypocrite around. He wants you to eat bugs and artificial meat why he dines on the finest foods. He wants you to walk or ride bike while he fly’s and rides in Limo’s, He wants you to be dirt poor and like it While h lives in the lap of luxury. This guy is nothing but a blite on the face of the earth!
Why is this POS still wasting good air??
As a kid, virtually nobody had air conditioning/cooling except for a fan blowing on us. I got my first AC at the age of 22 when I went to work and got a window unit from Sears. my folks didn’t even have AC and the heat/humidity in SE Texas was almost unbearable. my first 3 cars and a truck didn’t have an AC and you had to drive all the time with the windows down. I can remember poor folks who couldn’t afford AC hanging out in stores and shopping malls. I can remember many nights as a youngster sleeping with a fan blowing and still pouring sweat. Gates can shove it, at 76 y.o. I will not be sleeping in sweat as long as my central air is running. As with his jet plane you can bet Gates will not suffer because he is working to cure the problem by stopping the monkeys from living a comfortable life.