President Joe Biden does not have the same leverage he did for spewing lies under Elon Musk’s ownership, and his recent whopper about his administration’s alleged job creations proved that after it was hit with a Twitter community notes fact check.
On Friday, Biden’s official Twitter account tweeted a misleading graphic boasting about a job-creation run.
“This is what happens when you invest in America,” Biden tweeted.
“We have more work to do – but this is real progress.”
A Twitter community notes fact check, a new feature added under Musk allowing other users to fact-check posts, was slapped under the president’s tweet, which added a bit more context to what Biden was claiming.
“The record job creation under Biden is due to COVID-19 recovery, rather than any effort by the current President,” it states.
“Jobs were being created at a steady rate between 2010 and 2020 (under Obama and Trump), followed by a sharp drop due to COVID-19, which happened under Trump.”
Collin Rugg, the conservative website Trending Politics co-owner, described Biden’s tweet as “very misleading.”
“In March of 2020, the US was locked down due to COVID. Unemployment skyrocketed & many lost their jobs,” he wrote.
“When Biden came into office, lockdowns were ending & everyone got their jobs back.”
“Biden calls this ‘job creation.'”
According to the data, the country’s employment levels have barely improved to pre-pandemic levels.
Others also noted Biden’s post as highly misleading.
The tweet deservedly got torched.
After the Democrats ruined the economy with lockdowns, all Biden has to do is go to sleep while things recover and return to normal.
While such a task should be easy, Biden has produced numerous disappointing job reports and very slow economic growth.
He isn’t President Donald Trump.
Biden’s tweet about “job creation” shows how far his administration goes to mislead the American people.
It will be interesting to see how Biden will handle his 2024 campaign without being able to lie like he did in 2020.
READ: Elon Musk Tells NPR “You Suck” After Outlet Reports He Threatened to Reassign Twitter Account
bidumb is a lie
All you need to know about Biden is always lying Biden his ACE CARD!!!!!! Verified by his career record.
Senile little girl fondling Joe Biden is a pathological liar like all democRATS. Lying is in their DNA (Dems Never Accurste).