A shocking number of Democrats want former President Donald Trump executed, exiled, or Jailed for life, according to a new poll.
Trump built the world’s most prosperous economy under his presidency, but that doesn’t affect how some Democrats feel.
According to a Rasmussen poll published this week, 20 percent of Democrats want Donald Trump in prison for life, executed, or exiled if he is convicted.
72 percent of Democrats believe Trump is guilty of crimes in the case
12 percent of Democrats say he should get life in prison if found guilty
4 percent of Democrats want him to be exiled
2 percent of Democrats are in favor of the death penalty
The poll sampled 1,085 voters from November 30-December 6 with a 3-point margin of error.
“If we needed any more evidence of the political left’s troubling descent into authoritarianism, this poll provides it in spades,” Jack McPherrin, the Heartland Institute, told Rasmussen.
“The number of Americans – especially Democrats – who already presume Trump’s guilt is already highly concerning,” he said.
“And, if he’s found guilty, more than three-quarters of Democrats believe he should be banned from public office, with approximately one-fifth opting to jail him for life, put him permanently in exile, or execute him.”
In contrast, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned that there would likely be violence if Donald Trump is thrown in prison.
During Monday’s appearance on SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Tucker discussed what could occur if Trump is convicted in the federal election case.
“Speaking of violence, that is what you are going to get,” Tucker said.
He continued:
“If you leave people no alternative, then what do you think is going to happen?”
“I mean, the whole point of electoral democracy is that it’s a pressure relief valve that takes people who are very frustrated with the way things are going and gives them a way to express themselves, have their desires heard and ultimately their will done, to be represented in a peaceful way.”
Carlson added:
“You’re rigging the election. And they did that.”
So, if you keep doing that, and people are like, ‘Wait, I have no economic power. You’ve devalued my currency, so it’s like, $11 for a dozen eggs.”
READ: ‘One Condition:’ Tucker Carlson Responds to Rumors on Becoming Trump’s VP